the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?

it was hopeless; after all.

2 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Tim Johnson on Unsplash

sunsets are a sign of a day nearly reaching it’s end. the sight of said sunset is actually very aesthetically pleasing. though the beauty of the sunset is very mesmerizing, the sentence;

“the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?”

hides a very sorrow meaning behind it’s beauty. that particular sentence means;

“i love you, but i’m letting go”.

everything about us was a daydreams i made in my head. we were impossible from the start. we were meant to meet but not to be one.

“the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?”

words i want to say but physically unable. i still love you, truly. in fact we’re just nothing more than two humans from an ocean of them. when in fact we’re just a drop of ink in the sea. when in fact I’m just one planet orbiting around you, the sun.

is it really me in your dreams or is it just someone who’s just similar to me? why do i feel like everything keeps on going from north to west.. it’s always one step forward and three steps back. those three steps are big jumps whilst that single step forward is just a small translation.

it was hopeless after all. if we keep trying, nothing will happen. i am unable to make you love me before the sun sets to the west. therefore, the sunset is beautiful isn’t it?

“you’re gonna wake up & see that it was hopeless after all” rewrite the stars, James Arthur & Anne-Marie

